02348nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260003100042100001500073700005800088245012200146856006200268300001000330520187400340 2014 d bWorld Health Organization 1 aWHO SEARO 1 aDepartment of control of neglected tropical diseases 00aWHO Technical Advisory Group on Leprosy control. Report of the Twelfth Meeting Brazzaville, Congo, 10−11 April 2014 uhttps://apps.who.int/iris/rest/bitstreams/914814/retrieve a18 p.3 a

The Twelfth meeting of WHO TAG on Leprosy Control was organized in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo from 10−11 April 2014 to discuss emerging technical, operational and socioeconomic issues of relevance to leprosy and make appropriate recommendations to the WHO Global Leprosy Programme (GLP). WHO TAG members reviewed leprosy datafrom different leprosy endemic countries and progress in achieving global targets in reduction of new cases with grade 2 disabilities (G2D) rate. They also examined the innovative approaches adopted in major endemic national leprosy programmes (Brazil, India and Indonesia) for improved case detection, drug resistance surveillance and chemoprophylaxis in order to make suitable recommendations on replication in other national programmes. The members discussed the plan and process of developing a global leprosy strategy for the period 2016−2020.

The WHO Regional Advisers from the African, American, South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions presented their data and programme situation for suggestions from the members of WHO TAG. At the end of the meeting, a set of recommendations was made by WHO TAG covering areas like improving case detection by integrating with neglected tropical diseases, organizing chemoprophylaxis demonstration sites, continuing drug resistance surveillance, putting efforts in sustaining clinical and programme management expertise, strengthening participation of people affected and improving data management system in the programme. WHO TAG recommended GLP to form working groups to work on chemotherapy, data management and developing a global leprosy strategy for the period of 2016-2020. The TAG members also recommended that WHO programme officials participate in research initiatives taken up by partners like International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations and others.