@article{94408, keywords = {Lazarine, lepra reaction, tuberculoid, Ulceration}, author = {Wankhade V and Shah V and Singh R and Bhat D}, title = {Lazarine leprosy: A unique phenomenon of leprosy.}, abstract = {

Leprosy, a chronic granulomatous disease, has been known since ages but even today continues to baffle the clinicians with a wide spectrum of clinical, histopathological, and immunological characteristics. Leprosy reactions are mainly of two types, namely, Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 1 leprosy reaction, the preexisting lesions become erythematous, edematous, and rarely ulcerate. Ulcerating Type 1 reaction is called lazarine leprosy. Ulcerations may occur in borderline tuberculoid (BT) pole or borderline lepromatous pole but more common in BT pole. In this postelimination era of leprosy, we report an interesting case report of BT Hansen's disease with Type 1 lepra reaction with ulceration, namely, lazarine leprosy.

}, year = {2020}, journal = {International journal of mycobacteriology}, volume = {9}, pages = {329-331}, month = {01/2020}, issn = {2212-554X}, url = {https://www.ijmyco.org/temp/IntJMycobacteriol93329-363762_100616.pdf}, doi = {10.4103/ijmy.ijmy_104_20}, language = {eng}, }