@inbook{94278, author = {Pereira KSS and Santos HLPCD and Macedo MSS and García GSM and Queiroz TSD and Brito JAT and Fraga RE}, title = {QUALIDADE DE VIDA DE PACIENTES PÓS-ALTA DE HANSENÍASE: REVISÃO DE LITERATURA}, abstract = {Leprosy is defined as a chronic infectious disease, whose etiologic agent is Micobacterium leprae, a weakly gram-negative alcohol-resistant bacillus, this pathology affects peripheral nerves and, more specifically, Schwann cells. This disease mainly attacks the superficial nerves and peripheral nerve trunks. Prejudice, difficulty in accessing health care, self-segregation and lack of information makes the post-discharge period a problem for patients affected by leprosy, requiring professionals to take a longitudinal look at leprosy patients. To highlight the longitudinal attention of care in the post-leprosy period as an important factor for the well-being of the patient, to discuss the impact of the pathology on the quality of life of post-discharge patients and to highlight the multidisciplinary work for a unique patient care. This study is a systematic literature review, whose search was carried out in the online mediums VHL, SCIELO and LILACS. The words used were: leprosy, stigma, quality of life and their translations into English. Studies on the theme of this review were found. As an inclusion criterion: it should deal with the time of post-discharge in leprosy; quality of life; and longitudinal health care for these people. a negative influence on Quality of Life was observed due to the psychological aspects that involve the disease and mainly socio-cultural, as well as physical deformities. Leprosy causes suffering that goes beyond pain / malaise strictly linked to physical / biological impairment, in addition to causing great social and psychological impact, justifying advances in the multidisciplinary approach to the patient.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Ações de Saúde e Geração de Conhecimento nas Ciências Médicas 7}, chapter = {15}, pages = {115-125}, publisher = {Atena Editora}, isbn = {9786557062029}, url = {https://www.finersistemas.com/atenaeditora/index.php/admin/api/artigoPDF/37713}, doi = {10.22533/at.ed.02920230715}, }